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Gujarat Population 1960-2001

Kaleidoscope – The Demographics of Gujarat (1960 – 2001)

A tool called Kaleidoscope have a large database of Census population for entire of Gujarat from the Census year 1961 till 2001. Most of the villages and towns have population data for these years. In some cases, where the population details are missing, that in specific can be obtained from DDO/TDO office or online for years 2001. The source of the Kaleidoscope tool creator is unknown to me hence, the citation is not possible, however, the same is shared herewith for academic purpose only.

(Download size: 134 MB)

Installation & Usage guidelines:

  1. It will not work on Windows 8 and Windows 10. Please get an older OS.
  2. Download the folder of Kaleidoscope from the link above;
  3. Run the “Setup.exe”;
  4. Ignore the errors, if any, are observed during installation;
  5. After Installation, Click on the folder “Gujarat”
  6. Create a shortcut on desktop linked to the file “Kaleidoscope.exe”;
  7. Copy the file “GujaratData.mdb” to the installation folder of the C:/Program Files/
  8. Run the Shortcut created on the desktop and explore the Database.
  9. After running, in the menu at the top, “Help” will identify the Industrial categories to understand the workforce data.
    1. Cultivators are primary workers (Ind. Category – I)
    2. Agricultural labors are secondary workers (Ind. Category – II)
    3. Service Sector forces are Tertiary workers (rest of the Ind. Categories).
  10. Important: Copy/Paste shortcut will not work in the application to extract the data. Hence, one need to copy manually by right-clicking after selecting a table to copy.

Extract data, analyze the past trends; understand the evolution of a location.


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