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VYP-IV: Village allocation, Group formation, and Guidance for action

Village allocation

Team Vishwakarma at GTU allocated the villages for the Phase IV for the students to begin exercise for the year 2016-2017.

Group Formulation

With respect to above subject, GTU would like to inform that the guidelines are already given for the group formation in the orientation program held at GTU and BVM which is already uploaded on VY Website.
  1. GTU will only allow maximum 15 students per institutes.
  2. If Degree+ Diploma Institute than maximum students allowed per village [2- Degree (Civil) OR 3- Diploma(Civil) OR 1- Degree/ Diploma (Electrical)]
  3. If only Degree Institute, than maximum students allowed per village [3- Degree (Civil) OR 1- Degree/ Diploma (Electrical)]
  4. If only Diploma Institute, than maximum students allowed per village [4- Diploma(Civil) with 1- Degree/ Diploma (Electrical)]
  • For the villages having small population/ small area the group can be of 2 students (degree)/ 3 students (diploma) + 1 electrical students. so that students work can be showcased properly.
  • The institute having only Electrical branch should proposed more designs (from the electrical perspective) in the benefit of Village and students too.
  • Students will be eligible for stipend only if they have form their group according to guidelines. so it is requested to all the nodal officers to form the group accordingly.
  • All the guidelines given here is for maximum students, nodal officer can put minimum students too according to village area/ population/ distance from the institute/ other.

Suggestive Letter for first meeting

The institute may issue a letter (sample below) for the first meeting with the officers of the Government in general. However, a detailed letter requesting additional information may be submitted later as deem appropriate.

Village population Database


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