Unless one can communicate effectively after working on something, the knowledge, and skills one is possessing is of very little use to others. One must be able to collect information, align and organize it framing a context, and present it in a logical sequence albeit, in a concise form. In certain cases, even though a targeted audience is unknown, the structure and organization of report must convey the exact meaning a writer is intending to. a poorly written report may call into questioning the credibility of the work and may fetch frustration among readers. Writing is an art; an engineer must develop and a skill of report writing (in a presentable form of course) be developed.
“Reports can cover a wide range of topics, but usually focus on transmitting information with a clear purpose, to a specific audience. Good reports are documents that are accurate, objective and complete. Often reports are structured in a way that reflects the information finding process and the writing up of the findings: that is, summary of the contents, introduction or background, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and/or recommendations. ” (“The Purpose of Reports,” n.d.).
Design Engineering – 1A (2130005) (3rd Semester)
The Module 1 is primarily focusing, “Understanding Design Thinking” wherein the learning of a new approach begins in the 3rd semester of Degree Engineering programs at GTU.
By the end of an academic term, all the students need to make a compilation of their individual and group efforts (the course work during the semester) in form of a Process report. As per the GTU guidelines, the process report shall be comprising of the following but not limited to:
- Introduction (Describe the project in detail including domain – type, place, why and how team selected this domain and why this domain is important in relation to Design Thinking/Human-Centered process and so on);
- Preparation of canvases based on different phase of Design Thinking;
- Feedback analysis with the user shall be clearly included in the report;
- Summary of findings of Prior Art Search on purpose/project theme (2 summary papers per student);
- Summary of the learning from Design Thinking;
- Summary on validation process and refinement in the rough prototype;
- Any other important aspects the students feel, should be included.
Basic end-semester submission requirement will include:
- A Process report
- Portfolio with canvases and sheets
- Rough prototype, as applicable.
Here is a template that students should use for compiling a process report. It is pre-formatted and students need to include texts/ images as applicable to each case. The contents lined up is also at par with minimum requirements as suggested by the GTU. The file created and shared here is uploaded to be used by all, for free and on will after modifications as applicable.
Some tips on using the .Docx file.
- Just write below the section head (titles) formatting is all set.
- If some part of text is ‘paste’, while the pasting, ‘Paste as Text’ – justified text in ‘Times New Roman – 12 Pt will set;
- Once an image/snap is inserted, select the image, right-click/open context pop=up menu, “Insert Caption” and type image title;
- Use Reference above for inserting reference citation for referring to others’ work/text;
- When a direct copy-paste needs to be included, use “Quotation mark”;
- Want to check the originality of your report? Copy entire report by selecting all part of the report, “Ctrl+A”, paste “Ctrl+V” in a notepad file; Again copy all the text on the clip (temporarily; use of RAM) and open browser, go to www.pensters.com and paste the text in the box, soon one can see the % of copied content. (Boost your confidence of creating original stuff…!)
Report writing (DE 1A) by Bhasker Vijaykumar Bhatt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://www.slideshare.net/BhaskerVijaykumarBha/design-engineering-1a-report-template. All the content above is created for ‘free of cost’ usage after an appropriate citation.