It is important for an innovator/researcher to prove the novelty of work accomplished. It can be done by any means of which one is to prepare an article and get it published in a reputed journal. The word reputation is a bit, tricky here. Reputation builds not with age but with quality and adhering to ethical, moral values and stringently following it up. Every new article is treated in the same manner in terms of quality check. It is a tedious process but needs to be followed rigorously. SCOPUS is doing such an exercise since long and spreading a fragrance of quality in prepared literary works. Also, while preparing scripts, previous works that were referred to (to any extent, called ‘a citation[1]’) is listed as a reference or bibliography within the article. SCOPUS helps in making connections and sharing credits.The SCOPUS[2] is one of the largest abstracts and citation database that connects the peer-reviewed literature submitted in written form (or scripts) globally. These writings are published in the form of research papers in journals, books and conference proceedings.SCOPUS[3] provides a platform for identification of funding information, career advancement, making strategic decisions make sense of emerging trends, finding collaborators and discover competitive insights. It covers a database of more than 1.4 billion cited references dating back to the year 1970. It has author profile of more than 16 million writers with about 70,000 institution profiles. A method is established to provide a score (kind of ranking to bring all on an ordinal scale) authors and documents.
Revision in Quality Journal and publication list by UGC
The UGC (the University Grants Commission, India) published a list of recognized quality journals earlier that was recently (June 2019) was nullified. The update from the UGC mentions establishing CARE (Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics) through which the identification and recognition process for quality journals is to proceed. UGC has also declared that research journals (under group A)[4] from all disciplines indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science will be included in the UGC-CARE list without any further analysis about quality of publication[5]. IMPORTANT to note that many journals are commonly listed in both databases of SCOPUS and Web of Science. These journals are not listed on UGC-CARE website and suggested to search from respective websites. It inspired me to prepare and publish this article and extend some relief towards the identification of quality publications.
Searching SCOPUS Database
- Go to site www.scopus.com
- Here, one will need to check for “Sources” at the top menu. Click on it.
- Select the subject area (our of title/ISSN/Publisher) and your specific subject area (specialization/discipline) and click APPLY. Disciplines could be multiple.
- One will be able to see the results for a specific discipline.
- Filter “Display Options” and “Source Type” to narrow down the search results. (Left panel)
- Download the list or export to Excel using links given on top-side on right. A Login will be required prior that, so register on the site and log in.
- One may be very specific by a selection of year of metrics (reputation) of publications in a case may be!
One example of using search keywords (subject areas/disciplines) used for obtaining 1,744 journals (available in excel file) were:
- Civil and Structural Engineering;
- Multidisciplinary;
- Demography;
- Development;
- Geography, Planning and Development;
- Urban Studies.
The result reflected in form of SCOPUS Indexed journals with its score over past years of 2011 till the year 2017 was extracted from the site of SCOPUS and available for download. Download SITESCORE MATRICS (37.6 MB Excel file format). (Or click the link http://new.bvbhatt.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/CiteScore_Metrics_2011-2017_Download_25May2018.xlsx)(Image Source: Scopus)
Some of the important terms in the relation are discussed herewith[6].
See the metrics online: https://www.scopus.com/sourcesOnline CiteScore FAQs: https://journalmetrics.scopus.com/index.php/FaqsCiteScoreCiteScore measures average citations received per document published in the serial.CiteScore PercentileCiteScore Percentile indicates the relative standing of a serial title in its subject field.A serial that has a CiteScore Percentile of 96% is ranked according to CiteScore as high or higher than 96% of titles in that category. A title will receive a CiteScore Percentile for each subject area in which it’s indexed in Scopus.CiteScore RankIndicates the rank position of the title in its subject area. A title will receive a CiteScore Rank for each subject area in which it’s indexed in Scopus.CitationsCitations received in one year (e.g. 2017) for the documents published in the previous 3 years (e.g. 2014 – 16).DocumentsSum of documents published in the serial title (e.g. 2017) in the 3 years prior to the year of the metric (e.g. 2014 – 16).Percent CitedThe proportion of the documents (e.g. 2014 – 16) that have received at least 1 citation (e.g. 2017).SCImago Journal RankSCImago Journal Rank measures weighted citations received by the serial. Citation weighting depends on subject field and prestige (SJR) of the citing serial.Source Normalized Impact per PaperSource Normalized Impact per Paper measures actual citations received relative to citations expected for the serial’s subject field.Subject AreasDefined by the All Science Journal Classification codes in Scopus. Titles can be indexed in multiple subject areas. Filter your list using one or more subject areas.PublisherTitles are linked to a publisherSource TypesDisplay titles with your chosen source type(s).QuartilesQuartile 1 = 99th – 75th CiteScore Percentile, which also includes the Top 10% titles. Quartile 2 = 74th – 50th CiteScore Percentile. Quartile 3 = 49th – 25th CiteScore Percentile. Quartile 4 = 24th – 0 CiteScore Percentile.Top 10%Top 10% = titles with CiteScore Percentiles from the 99th – 90th.Open AccessJournals covered by Scopus are indicated as Open Access if the journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and/or the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD).For questions regarding Open Access Journals please see the Content info page.For questions regarding the Open Access Journal search options please see the Scopus OA help file.”
Also check out the BLOG by SCOPUS regarding updates in the research publication arena[7] and specifically for the beginners, the section of Tips & Tricks[8]References used in the article above.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation[2] https://www.scopus.com/sources.uri?zone=TopNavBar&origin=searchbasic[3] https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus[4] https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/site/Website/CareList.aspx[5] https://www.ugc.ac.in/journallist/journal_list.aspx[6] https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus[7] https://blog.scopus.com/[8] https://blog.scopus.com/tips-and-tricksArticle updated on Dt. 20 June 2019