In the Semester IV of Bachelor of Engineering programs, a course is offered as Design Engineering (1B) for the degree engineering colleges affiliated to the Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad.
This course specifically traverses for an initial application of Design Thinking tools that are conceptually explored at least once. Considering the brain is trained for making imaginative interventions, some advanced tools are included to yet sharpen the thinking ability among the students of engineering. The course outline (syllabus) concept note can be referred to the link: 2016-06_DE-1B_4th sem – Course Abstract.
In the 3rd semester, students have learnt the basic Design Thinking methodology in DE-1A and undergone the phases of the same with necessary tools and techniques using various framework and canvases. In a 3rd semester, students have worked upon general topic/domain irrespective of their branch, now in 4th semester, they need to select branch specific existing artefact/component for Reverse Engineering and modify/redesign it as per the User’s needs using Design Thinking.There are two basic objectives of introducing RE: (1) Students will learn some basic concept from their branch and relate all stages/phases of Design Engineering with their regular core subjects of particular branch in current or further semester/s as one of the key objectives of Design Engineering subject is to absorb Design Thinking approach into core engineering subject for practical learning (2) they will use Design Thinking process again to refine the learning. In this module also whole Design Thinking process will be used by students, but more emphasis on Ideation and initial Product Development phase.
Below are the major of the content that needs to be explored and performed by the students in a team.
Please feel free to communicate through commenting/putting questions/sharing more of expertise-work by the students at the end of this page/ by contacting me.
Design Engineering 1B by Bhasker Vijaykumar Bhatt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.