Lecture by Dr. C. B. Bhatt, VGEC, Chandkheda, A-2, GTU, Chandkheda (26/11/2016 – time: 02.30 pm – 03.15 pm)
The text below is from taken notes from the lecture.
The Impact Factor (IF)
- It is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to articles published in science and social science journals.
- Science Citation Index (SCI) is published by Thomson Reuters. (thomsonreuters.com)
- Indexes of selected journals
- > 8000 science journals
- > 3000 social science journals
- > 1800 arts and humanities journals
- Impact factors are listed in JCR (Journal Citation Reports)
- For reports, subscription charges are applicable
- The Impact Factor is calculated based on a 2-year window. One year reference period and 2-year citation window
- A / B = 2011 impact factor
- A = indexed journals cited the number of times articles published in 209 and 2010 during 2011
- B = the total number of “citable items” published by that journal in 2009 and 2010. (Citation items are usually articles, reviews, proceedings, or notes, not editorials or letters-to-the-editor)
- 2011 impact factors were published in 2012; they cannot be calculated until the indexing agency has processed all of 2011 publications.
- Criticism of impact factor
- ISI is indexing about 13000 journals published in English language only; some disciplines are especially poorly covered
- Short (two years) snapshot of journal
- JCR now also include the 5-year data
- IF is an average; not all articles are equally well-cited as it is manipulative as it includes self-citations
- Only include “citable” articles in the denominator or the equation i.e. articles and reviews
- Editors may skew IF by increasing the number of review articles, which bring in more citations (increasing the numerator)
- Or by increasing the number of “news” items which are cited but not considered “citable.”
Immediacy Index
- It is a measure of how topical and urgent work published in a scientific journal is
- Along with the better known IF measure, it is calculated each year
- It is calculated based on the papers published in a journal in a single calendar year.
- Search more
Eigen Factor
- The Eigen Factor Project is a non-commercial academic research project sponsored by the Bergstrom Lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington
- eigenfactor.org
- As with JCR, only ISI journals are ranked
- Uses “all” ISI data, analyzed differently
- All cited and citing reference (so includes citations from non-ISI journals, books, dissertations and such)
- It uses Google’s page rank algorithm
- Looks at five-year data
- Higher EF score is better
- EF score sum is 100.
- For more, refer to presentation below
Article Influence
- It measures the average influence, per article, of the papers in a journal.
- As such, it is comparable to Thomson Scientific’s Impact Factor
- For more, refer to presentation below
Comments on Article Influence
- For more, refer to presentation below
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
- It is based on the Scopus citation data divided by the number of articles published by a journal over three years
- Similar to the EF
- Self-citations are not included
- http://scimagojr.com
- it ranks 3,042 institutes across the world
- it provides 5 indicators of research performance
- For more, refer to presentation below
Quality indices for author (Journal)
- Proposed by JE Hirsch as an index of quantifying an individual’s scientific research output
- It combines assessment of both quantity and quality (impact, or citations)
- It is based on the distribution of citations received by a given researcher’s publications
- Definition: A scientist has index h if h of his /her Np papers have at least h citations… complete it
- Get an example of calculating the h-index
- It is automatically calculated by
- Web of Science
- Scopus
- Google Scholar
- https://library.ucar.edu/finding-your-h-index-hirsch-index-web-science
- It is an index for quantifying scientific productivity based on publication record. It was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe
- For more, refer to presentation below
H-b Index
It is an extension of h-index
Michael Banks develops it
- For more, refer to presentation below
Impact Factor of publications by Bhasker Vijaykumar Bhatt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It means that you are free to use the above text and references as you wish to, after appropriate citation.