Product Development using PDC

PDC stands for Product development canvas.

Remember, a canvas comprises of a process that streamlines thought, systematically.

Once, an idea is generated, next step is to identify a product/process (in a comprehensive manner) to resolve the specific difficulty for a user/user group.

The PDC consist of the various sections as User, Purpose, Experience (User Fee i.e. User’s feelings, expectations, and experience from the developed product – imagine/visualize this), Functions, Features, components and validation/re-validation.

Working on a PDC is an iterative exercise, once done first-hand, more and more revisions will enhance the product development spine. Create versions, more of it over a period of time. Improve each version or break-it-down to specific needs of the visualized product.

Download the canvas HERE.

A presentation on understanding the concept and few examples, is as below:

While I was discussing in brief, how to develop a PDC, I was captured in a video. Here it is for your ready reference (in Gujarati)

Creative Commons License
Product Development using PDC by Bhasker Vijaykumar Bhatt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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  1. Pingback: Reverse Engineering | bvbhatt

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