Notes taken during sessions attended at the VGEC under the course of Research Methodology. These notes are not modified, and just as it was recorded.
Research Methodology class
18/02/2017, Saturday
Auditorium, VGEC Chandkheda
Dr. Rajul K. Gajjar, Director – Research, GTU & Principal, VGEC (
Session – 1: Research Problem Formulation
Introduction of each participants (name, branch and institution) [till 11.45 am]
- Status of the assignment – revisit after the session – no need for re-print;
- Assignments are for getting a deeper idea about the research topic;
- By the end of assignment, one can produce a synthesis paper (it is a first paper for a research paper) but it teaches how to write, search literature, format it and so on;
- Assignments were aimed to:
- How to find researchers for a topic;
- How to criticize a research paper;
- How to prepare a synthesis paper;
- Design of research was explained in earlier lecture (only background, no software demonstration)
How to formulate a research problem:
- All researchers have already shown a willingness to work on a topic however, it was just an exercise to check the research attitude among the applicants;
- It can be considered as a theme but not a formulated problem;
- BVB explained and discussed about his topic
- Jayveer talked about vehicle emission norms for future- Eoro Standard 6 / Bharat Stage 4 (a devised based research for producing emission in compliance to EURO 6 norms that can be applicable in India – Spark engine vehicle based device)
- Talk about the intervention;
- Talk about the gap identified based on literature study;
- EGR Technology / Carbon dust – exhaust emission ash-pond concept consuming amount of gas making it able to reuse; and convert it in to a device;
- Will you be able to meet your set target in next four years?
- A few papers tell about something, a few about something else and one can get a spark about what should be explored/ intervened – it is the GAP. Give it up for the innovators.
- All the literature must be very critically reviewed for identification of the GAP for your research;
- Identify few (about five) papers that are most relevant to the research topic;
- Literature review is very important – it will give aim, objective, scope and method to carry out the actual research
- Topic can be freeze later however literature review needs to be done continuously throughout the duration of PhD;
- If data is not available, the research can get lost – find source – all of it that are necessary for performing the research;
- Ellis: Refrigeration and air condition based research: VCRA system waste will feed in the other system enabling reduction in the GHG emission;
- Condensing process waste;
- Design of a heat exchanger;
- Satisfying many conditions;
- Work is similarly done for Solar but not for household based condensers;
- Funds will be required and a lot of facilities will be required and make sure that the work is not being done elsewhere;
- Publish the first-end results instantaneously as soon it is available;
- A series experiments will be required to get done during time;
- Literature review and research gap (No Googleing)
- Source of data and experimental setup
- Apply for research proposal for funding
- No structure for research – it needs to be designed however, a broad guideline are available;
- Systematic handling of database;
- Read – write – speak – define time windows
- NO GOOGLE for Literature review – GTU will provide access to good journals
- IEEE and other good journals access available through GTU library;
- Check for IITs, NITs, ISRO, PRL and such; write to them for sending specific papers, they provide it; professors leverage ID and password for accessing journals for researches;
- Go for a proposal for experiments/ procuring software in guidelines with the supervisor – start sending;
- Identify sources for funding and pass it on among ourselves;
- Share a sample sanctioned proposal draft to have an idea about drafting the proposal;
- NO GOOGLE for Literature review – GTU will provide access to good journals
- Ms, Darshana Bhatti: advanced oxidation processing for farmers;
- Fetched a grant from GujCOST
- Published a paper in conference at Chennai, fetched second prize for poster presentation;
- Reading proliferate and rigorous, reading is learning, more of the fundamental learning is essential, first reading will not allow to understand everything; each paper needs to be read for at least 5-6 times – each time more of the understanding is leveraged; a thorough reading will allow for thinking over a gap for your research;
- Read – read – read; let go off the sleep in the upcoming four years – if such passion is inserted, then only PhD will be enjoyable; Do not loose every 10 minutes available for reading; keep scribbling; keep reading, writing and SPEAKING; choose friends who make you most uncomfortable; it needs be painful time ahead;
- Be proactive, preparing ourselves – not losing time windows – you are not full-time researchers
- Ask Radhika to send list of co-supervisors (international)
- A good person working at senior level in any reputed university can be proposed as a co-supervisor for your research, propose it to GTU and it will be granted by GTU;
- Jigar Malavia (MAZDA):
- Treatment of affluent by some methods are identified through literature study;
- If something is already is done, it needs not to be attended through PhD;
- Write a short paragraph about the applicability at the end of entire PhD; it will add much value to the work done
- Hetal:
- Discussion on a topic based on Cloud under IT engineering;
- Identified a possibility of framing an algorithm
- Reading on big data analysis, scheduling algorithm, Hadoop based algorithms,
- The research is not to find a tool – writing a good algorithm is not a research – it will not be accepted
- Even if the research gap is established, there must be substantial aim for carrying out a PhD
- Milind:
- Gujarat state based documentation in Gujarat;
- Character recognizing from Gujarati written documents;
- It will be a work on developing an OCR for Gujarati language; attempting on the quality of OCR based output at the end of the research;
- Talk to people – do a lot of literature review – exhaustive
Presentation by Madam:
- Research problem formulation:
- Criteria for selecting a problem
- Formulating research problem
- Writing research problem
- Evaluating research problem
- Objective of lecture: to impart skills on how to formulating and structure a research problem
- Hemang: (GIS & ITS) The whole neural network is working in the background while you are research papers are searched; read papers that are most relevant; think over “what if it would be done in some else manner?” it will help defining research problem; interpretations are in a manner of an individual; scale of a problem does not matter; “ONLY 5 PAPERS FOR DEFINING PROBLEM” it also will help framing a magnitude of the problem statement;
- Once the gap is defined – objective and scope is to be written – objectives need not be more than four – scope will help framing work plan
- Do the manual calculations – not by computerized – it will help training your neural network – solve every problem by yourself – irrespective of getting the right/wrong answers – Just do it.
Session – II Presenting the research
- Three versions of research programme (thesis) was discussed
- Organization will be different from order of writing
- Writing the thoughts inside out
- Start with the work
- Write the middle level (own work) chapters first
- Indexing is very essential (for studied papers, scribbles, notes everything)
- Then go to the conclusions
- Write the introduction next
- Finally, an abstract (as three is a limitation of 500 words)
- Give maximum time in writing your own work
- Writing in own words;
- Failure during the work might not be added in the thesis (considering it to be a foolish job done) but negative results help researchers in choosing paths
- Not necessary to have detailed explanation and descriptions
- Start writing early as there will be many revisions; start preparing various sections
- Janak Trivedi questioned – there are many parameters and methodologies where the research need to be done, it will be required to have write inside-out many times
- RM helps in defining research path through a structured method, if there is a diversion, there is an informed choice of diverting; in the duration of limited four-year time; there is no need to write all the chapters again and again;
- Problem definition will be after the literature review (conclusions of studies)
- Reports and deadlines: allow you to stay and track
- Start with the work
- Thesis structure (Slide 04 and 05)
- Introduction should be interesting, so that reader will go on anticipating interest
- Read a few thesis introductions
- Several drafts to make it interesting
- Literature review
- From where did the problem came from?
- There will be various sections leading to sub-areas of research work
- Middle chapters
- These are material for papers
- Theory
- Experimental/ computational model
- Results
- How one want to stand the defense – method of writing the chapter will be based on that (1) do all the tables/charts etc and then describe them (2) there will be results with descriptions
- Results never to be dumped on the examiner/ reader – it is not just allowed
- Validation of the model created by you through within the domain so that results are never questioned; if validation process show minor errors, keep making minute tweaks to it till errors are minimized and make a robust model; trends (iterative runs) developed through iterative model run, which will be reflected in a simplified result statement/ discussions over the result;
- Conclusions are drawn based on own work only.
- Find good examples of conclusions not acceptable
- More statements in the conclusion is false notion; it needs to be based on the work only (maybe a sentence or two);
- Research in PhD need to be very exhaustive – they are final statements – they are to be used as primary steps for future research – trends are essential prior deriving the conclusion
- Quantification in general sense need to be included
- Watch the trends and not just the final version;
- Mapping of objectives are done in the conclusion;
- These are material for papers
- Writing the thoughts inside out
- First DPC is the core subject examination
- Include somewhat of aim/objective and scope of rsearch
- Compulsory DPC are eight number (May and November)
- One research week in a year (not for 2015 batch student) but come and sit attend, panels of international experts/ IIT experts
- After that open seminar (final defense)
- Submission of synopsis